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Stephanos Full Primary School

Stephanos Full Primary School, since 2009, has a fully-fletched primary school at its campus. With not less than 10 qualified teachers, the teacher pupil-ration at the school is within the government recommended 1:50 pupils. Its enrollment is increasing. By the beginning of the current academic [September 2015-June2016], the school enrolled 180 boys and 161 girls].

There is also a nursery school which has 2 teachers with 26 students.

Education for Secondery School Students

We have 91 students scattered in different secondary schools in the Southern part of Malawi. We provide them with school fees, uniform, shoes, clothes, medical assistance and money for educational trips. Above all we also teach them the Word of God.

Updates from Nursery and Primary School

The report highlight precisely the recent 2023 school session events at the school.

School opening

The school opened on 17th January 2023 with now an enrolment of

Girls 203 7  
Boys 185 7  
Total 388 14 402

Current enrolment have been affected by factors and other issues like absenteeism, drop outs and factors of fees hike from K10,000.00 to K15,000.00 and economic hardships in families including poverty and hunger.

Teaching Staff

There are a total of 16 primary school teachers and 2 nursery  school teachers including 1 visiting SEP assistant teacher and 1  cleaner (20 members).

Nursery School

It has one teacher (ECD) who teachers both reception class and Pre –school class


We have instituted a reading and writing initiative in

  1. Spelling competition
  2. Debate
  3. Quiz
  4. Writing competition


  • Adhoc supervision is being done
  • The school has now initiated learners’ performance tracking checklist especially in English lessons.


The school appreciate un ending support from management and all Stephanos staff.